The photos are fading and cracked. You don't have a slide projector anymore. Mom passed away and you need to get copies made of some of the photos you have to give family members. The boss found some old transparencies that need to be added to a PowerPoint presentation that he is giving on the west coast in two days.
You get the picture (pun intended).

Boxes and boxes of images - contact CSRA Multimedia and let us help you turn the boxes into folders of images on your computer, or into digital scrapbooks and movies.
CSRA Multimedia can help you convert and store all of the images digitally. This process is very labor intensive, so you probably won't be interested in sitting down and doing it yourself. If you do decide to try this yourself, you need to understand image resolution, color correction, image repair and restoration, etc. It's not as easy as you might think...
Please click on the links in the right sidebar to learn more about converting and preserving your still images.
This process will open up a whole world of possibilities for you once we get the images scanned. We can scan the images and simply transfer to CD for you. Or we can convert them into a really cool digital scrapbook that can talk as you flip the pages (which also make a page turning sound). We can also turn the images into a neat DVD video complete with you favorite music; or maybe you want to narrate this and tell a story...
A CD scrapbook and DVD movie of your kids photos would make great Christmas presents for your grown children to relive the past and to share with their family.
Contact CSRA Multimedia soon to start converting your still images into a nice stack of discs that are easy to copy and send to everyone who knew and loved the departed family member.