Converting transparencies to digital images - CSRA Multimedia makes it easy.
Long before Powerpoint or Keynote and LCD projectors, presenters had to rely on having their materials printed on transparencies. The transparencies were shown via an overhead projector. Not a bad approach, until you wanted to make last-minute changes...
It is very rare today that anyone will present materials using this antiquated approach. However, there are lots of archived information sitting around, and there are numerous times that one or more transparencies could be utilized in a Powerpoint presentations. For example, those photographs of the 1950s assembly line were lost, but someone found an old folder containing several transparencies that have the perfect pictures in them to use in next week's quarterly progress report meeting. Time is running out - what should you do?
One call or e-mail to CSRA Multimedia can reduce your stress level significantly.
CSRA Multimedia can turn those folders full of transparencies containing process diagrams, photos, data plots, organizational charts, etc. into digital images that can be used over and over.
There is no limit to the uses that can be found for this archived information. Let CSRA Multimedia turn those storage boxes of archaic overheads into a treasure chest of digital possibilities.